What is the Energy Management Network of the Andalusian Regional Government?
The Energy Management Network of the Andalusian Regional Government (REDEJA) is the tool designed to promote the principles of energy saving and diversification in the Andalusian administration, as well as implement renewable energies in buildings of the Andalusian Regional Government.
REDEJA, created by Agreement of the Governing Board of 26 June 2007, is established in the administration of the Andalusian Regional Government, as embodied in Law 2/2007, of 27 March, for the promotion of renewable energy sources and energy saving and efficiency in Andalusia and complies with the commitment established in the “Energy and Administration” Programme of the Andalusian Sustainable Energy Plan 2007-2013 (PASENER).
Why was the Energy Management Network created?
The main reason that led the Andalusian Regional Government to promote the creation of this network was the high potential for energy and economic savings that could be obtained in different public centres, in many cases superior to 40%, through a specific, coordinated and effective management of the energy billing of the Andalusian Regional Government. A new way of understanding the management of the demand for energy consumption, in accordance with the new energy culture adopted in the Andalusian Sustainable Energy Plan, which began to be implemented with the starting up of this network.
Who forms part of the Energy Management Network?
The network is formed of centres of consumption of the General Administration of the Andalusian Regional Government and other organisms, administrations and public entities that have adhered automatically* or those that since its creation have signed adhesion agreements, reaching a current total of 62, integrating the 13 regional ministries and 49 public entities.